While I usually cycle through all of the classes in the course of one game, my main class choice is Recon; the sniper.  I thought I would share with you some of my tips and maybe they will help you out.  Or maybe it'll just give away my secrets and I'll forced to not play Recon anymore...  Either way, enjoy.

Specific Map Tips

(The tips below are only for the map: Oasis and they are only for the initial 2 crates)

- Oasis: Defense

    As soon as you spawn, run to the left and get over the creek.  Be sure to sprint because you want to get away from the base as soon as possible because the opfor will start raining pain with the howitzer.

     As fast as you can, run up the left side until you are even with the enemy base.  Hide in the water in some tall grass.  Also, as you are working your way up, press Start to see the full map and see if any enemy vehicles are on the move.  There is quite a stretch of ground to sprint through and that leaves you pretty exposed.

     Now that you have set up your base in the creek, use the laser designator and lock on to their boats.  But when guiding the JDAM, instead of dropping it on the boats, aim it towards a different target.  I call this "Piggyback Lockon."  It keeps them surprised because they don't get a warning.  In order of importance, start targeting the following: Howitzer, helicopter, tanks.

     That plan works if you want to want to be a flanking sniper but if you want to be a ghost sniper, then find a spot partially advanced of your starting position but make sure you are well hidden.  Let the enemy pass you before you fire.  If you hit them from behind, you will surprise them and it will take longer for them to find out where the fire came from.

- Oasis: Offense

     If no one goes for the howitzer, hop on and start destroying their tanks and anti air gun.  But if someone wants to get on, hop off for them, you can do more damage as a sniper.  Sprint to the right and go over the creek or run along the creek stopping to check for movement now and then.  Work your way up near the big house thats across the bridge from the defense base. 

     Once you are sure that the building is clear, move to the trees and tall grass that sit along the edge of the map (approx. 2 o'clock if facing perpendicular bridge).  Stay in those bushes and start picking people off and keeping an eye on the anti air gun.

     Being in this specific spot will also give you an advantage for when your team destroys those crates.  You can move up along the creek and head down to the fence line and continue the support


General Tips

- Unlock the laser designator

- Unlock the M95 (more damage and greater accuracy though slow rate of fire)

- Stay in the shadows, near trees and tall grass.

- If in a building, stay back from the windows.  If you are right in the window you look like a picture in a frame, easy to spot.

- Unless you're running, stay crouched.

- Stay on the edges of the map. That keeps the enemy from flanking you easily.

- If you think you are spotted, stay still until you are sure that you are. Sometimes a tank will just fire in the general area hoping you will run.  if you are discovered, move to another hiding spot as fast as possible.  Don't forget your have a pistol too.

- If you are on defense and the attackers have the howitzer, move as slow as possible.  Running will show up very well on the howitzers satellite view.  Creep up and take over or drop a JDAM on the howitzer to shut it down.

Using the Laser Designator

- When you are ready to use it, make sure you are at least semi hidden (tall grass or trees) because when you are guiding the JDAM you will turn in circles.  Its important that you stay hidden so your movement isn't noticed.

- Use "Piggyback Lockon."  (that's my own term) Lock on to a vehicle not in use and guide the JDAM to a vehicle in use.  Any vehicle can be targeted even stationary turrets (this makes it more stealthy, the opfor wont have a warning alarm go off)

- Try and use it on flying enemy helicopters, the alarm that warns them will usually scare them away and sometimes you can even hit one (I've only gotten one that way though).


5 Responses to “A Snipers Guide to Battlefield: Bad Company”

  1. Anonymous

    What a waste. This is all worthless.

  2. Anonymous

    worthless? this is amazing i thought i was the only person who realized Piggyback lock-on. If there is an unmanned tank near one that is manned then you have a sitting duck right there.

    You missed out that when using the designator try and aim ahead of moving targets since they think they'll outrun you.

  3. Anonymous

    I kill cows

  4. Claude

    Average advice from an average sniper. To use Oasis to its fullest let a top 2000 tell u. Piggybacking is a given but what people forget is that stationary weapons can be targetted as well. Secondly, the best startimg place is in the reeds all the way at the top of the hill on the right for defense and the reeds diagonal from the rock behing the bunker for offense.

  5. Anonymous

    @ Claude, this guide isn't about a show of skill and you are just a fool. If you read it properly, he mentions that you can lock on to stationary weapons. Also, sort your spelling out. Either you aren't learning in school or you are too lazy to spell properly. If you want to prove your 'skill', why don't you take some time out like this person has to provide something for everyone?

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